StarCraft 2
Looks like Blizzard has set the bar again for the popular game back in the late 1990's. I must admit though, it's still popular, that me and my roommate played it a couple of times this semester to drag the time by when we were bored.

Since Blizzard got our hopes up with StarCraft: Ghost, but then canceled it sometime in 2006; this appears to be replacing the canceled project. StarCraft II brings back our well-known races: the Protoss, the Zerg, and the Terran; but with improved 3D graphics, new units, and of course newer maps and features. So far, the StarCraft II website only shows some new units in store for the Protoss race, some of these newer units seem to be great units against some of the other races' units. For example, when a player playing as Protoss and has 50 some Phase Cannons protecting the only way into their base, and 30 some Terran Siege Tanks are outside blasting away and the only thing the player can do is send in Protoss Immortals (replacing the aging Dragoons) where their shields are quite effective against the tanks. In addition, those Siege Tank rounds have a new splash damage effect.

Many of the units and buildings we have come to know are a bit different in StarCraft II. The Terran Barracks, Command Center, Marines, and so forth look different because of the 3D rendering. Regardless, from the screenshots, the battles look amazing with the improved graphics.

Battle.Net, how could we forget you? We have spent countless hours playing against other players all over the world to enjoy several hours of blasting, battling, and struggling to survive and defeat our enemies. Well, now that you've aged so much over the past few years, you'll be updated in time for players to play both StarCraft II and the original StarCraft series.

No word on what the system requirements are, but this looks to be a highly anticipated game to sequel the original StarCraft series. Here's to Zerg Rushes, Nukes, and Carriers to relive battles told over and over again.

StarCraft II Home Page
Blizzard Entertainment Home Page
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StarCraft 2 - by SimsHsia - Sat May 19 2007, 01:03 PM
RE: StarCraft 2 - by SimsHsia - Sun Mar 16 2008, 02:20 PM
RE: StarCraft 2 - by SimsHsia - Sat Aug 7 2010, 09:22 AM
RE: StarCraft 2 - by SimsHsia - Tue Aug 10 2010, 07:20 PM

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